Furaha FAQS
Furaha Rewards for individuals is Enashipai’s exclusive loyalty program designed to appreciate our valued guests for their continued patronage. Guests can accumulate points and redeem them for exciting experiences at our resort. Visit www.enashipai.com/furaha-rewards to learn how to join.
Furaha Rewards loyalty program is open to all Enashipai guests above the age of eighteen (18) who opt in and join the program. Members must provide and maintain the following mandatory information to join the program:
Full legal name
Email address
Active phone number
Becoming a Furaha Rewards member is simple and free. Visit our website at www.enashipai.com/furaha-rewards to enroll. Please note that acceptance into the program is at the sole discretion of management and we reserve the right to admit, hold or discontinue membership at any given time.
No. Members can only maintain one account at a time.
No. Membership and all accrued benefits are tied to the principal enrolled member and cannot be sold, loaned or transferred.
Furaha Rewards offers a wide range of benefits including free room nights, room upgrades, spa treatments, dining discounts, and more. It’s our way of saying thank you to our valued guests for choosing Enashipai Resort and Spa as their preferred leisure destination.
Currently, guests can earn points when they pay for services at the resort. Services include, but are not limited to, accommodation, spa, salon, food and beverage services among others. At the point of payment, simply share your membership number/phone number and your cashier will gladly award you your points.
Kindly log in to your account to confirm the current redemption value.Please not the rate is exclusive of taxes.
You can redeem your points to enjoy various experiences at the Resort. From free room nights, room upgrades, spa treatments and many more, any time throughout the year except during the blackout periods. For the current reward policy, please click on www.enashipai.com/furaha-rewards
Redeeming your points is easy. Visit our website www.enashipai.com/furaha-rewards to verify your points balance and redeem them at the resort when you check out/ pay for services. You can also redeem points and pay for services online on our website www.enashipai.com.
No. Furaha Rewards loyalty points cannot be redeemed for cash. They are exclusively for redemption of resort services.
Yes. Points earned must be redeemed within 18-months of earning or they will expire.
You are welcome to check on the status of your loyalty account at any time by logging into your account on www.enashipai.com/furaha-rewards.
If you need to cancel/modify your reservation, please contact the resort at least fourteen (14) days prior to your scheduled arrival. For more information on our cancellation policy please click here.
Yes. Loyalty points can be awarded after settlement of bills/check-out within 30 days of check-out. Original receipts/proof of payment and stay must be provided. Kindly note that points will not be awarded after leaving the resort if they are not tied to an eligible night stay.
Benefits associated with the loyalty program may be subject to tax liability. As a Furaha Rewards member, it is your personal responsibility to disclose and declare any benefits you derive that may be subject to tax. If you are not sure about your tax exposure, please contact your personal tax advisor. By opting in and participating in the Furaha Rewards program, you expressly confirm that you will take personal responsibility in notifying all related parties of your obligations and accept that Enashipai Resort and Spa cannot be liable for your lack of disclosure and continued participation will release us from any tax liability.
You can reach our Furaha Rewards membership team via the following channels:
Email: furaharewards@enashipai.com
Phone: +254 719 051 000